Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Blogging" really not my thing but...

... I thought I would give it a try. I'm not sure if anyone will really be interested or want to follow all that I have going on in world or in my head -- except for my mom -- but it will be therapeutic for me anyway... I've really never been one to keep up with a journal or to write about myself so this will be a learning experience for me.  

A journal for me often turns into a "To Do" list or something that is added to my plate to accomplish which ultimately stresses me out... and these days my goal is to keep it simple, keep it real.  As with many women, we can probably all agree that being a woman or thinking of ourselves as accomplished or successful is often defined by how many balls we have in the air...  why is that? 

Anyway, my hope for this blog is to be able to get out of my head every once in awhile, put into words what I've been feeling or experiencing lately, create a dialog possibly with friends and family I don't see everyday a little different from facebook... which seems to have become my means to share the latest news or photos of Chase and Colby, which is great just not what I hope this will become.  Although, I'm sure I will often post about them and share photos, too as they are my life, my world... 

So, in the spirit of keeping it simple and real... I'll end this post not because I don't have more to write or say but because my almost 3 year old has to go potty --- and as anyone out there knows who has ever potty trained a child, when they say they have to go and go running down the hall to the bathroom, you stop whatever you're doing and go, too!  

Kalaloch, WA -- Memorial Day Wkd 2009

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