Friday, May 27, 2011

Five years ago today...

... Scott and I were together in the church I grew up in getting hitched with many of our family and friends there to share our special day. It was a magical day, a little stressful too, as all wedding days are for the bride and groom but very wonderful. I was marrying my best friend and we were on a special journey together. I knew that I would never be alone that I would always have him to depend on, lean on, talk to, laugh with, and cry with through the good times and the bad times. I knew he would take care of me and I would take care of him, for the rest of our lives. On that day, I wasn't nervous at all walking down the aisle with my Dad or when I said my vows. I think I was more nervous about our official first dance together as husband and wife and whether or not I could dance the fox trot. :)

It's hard to believe that five years has already passed and at the same time it feels like 50--just kidding! :-) I've known Scott for eleven years, and we've had some crazy/fun times together, and hit some pretty big milestones. I'm grateful and amazed to say that for the most part they have all been wonderful albeit challenging at times, too. But that's the way it's supposed to be, that's life, and I wouldn't want to share my journey through life with anyone else. 

Thank you for this beautiful life! You're an amazing husband, friend, and father. 
Happy Anniversary, honey! You're my guy! I love you! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary, you two! I loved the collection of pictures!
